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Rules of Association & Bylaws

1st Place Open Mono - Sitti… Pretty- Debbie Stevens_edited_edited_edited_edited.png

Cockatoo by Debbie Stevens

Rules of Association

The Mandurah Photography Club Rules of Association details the legal requirements of our club and replaces the old constitution. The document has been accepted by the Department of Commerce. Changes to the Rules of Association require approval by a motion at a general meeting and submission to the Department of Commerce. If you have suggestions for a change, contact the Club Secretary for help in preparing a motion. 



Activities of the club are detailed by Bylaws, which are drafted and approved by the club committee. These can be revised by the committee. If you have suggestions for change, please contact the Club Secretary. 


General Bylaws

These cover most club activities. 


Bylaw 001 - Assessment Evenings

This bylaw gives requirements for the submission of images for our monthly assessment evenings, including format, judging, categories, digital images, and prints. For help in producing images complying with the requirements, refer to the Image Development training notes. 


Bylaw 002 - Membership

This bylaw covers annual subscriptions and the responsibilities and rights of members. Single Membership, Family Membership, and Student membership are defined. 


Bylaw 003 - Annual Photographic Competition Rules 

This bylaw covers the requirements for entering digital and print photographs into the Annual Competition, held in December each year in conjunction with our Annual Dinner. Issued for the first time in July 2020. 

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