Camera Craft
This page originated from the Photography 101 training course developed by WAPF and presented at our club in 2017 and 2018. It is here as a series of articles. Last updated March 2021
Your photographic journey starts when you choose a camera and get enthusiastic about finding how to make better pictures. Today's starters probably begin with a smartphone as their first camera. As you move along your photographic journey, you will want to explore different photographic genres - sports, action, wildlife, nature, landscape, urban, macro.
To cover many of these you will need a system camera with appropriate accessories. This article shows the important differences between different camera types and highlights what to look for when you are looking for a new camera.
SLR or EVIL (Mirrorless)
Sensor size and pixel count
The viewfinder - optical or electronic, eye-level or Live View.
Useful features
This article looks at the three factors that need to be controlled to make a correctly exposed image - exposure time, aperture, and ISO.
The exposure modes Program, Shutter Priority, Aperture Priority, and Manual are covered. It also looks at where exposure compensation should be used.
There is an explanation of filter factors and exposure value (EV) units. 7 Mar 2021.
This worksheet gives practical exercises to learn about exposure, and explore how well your camera controls it.
Learn about focus settings, exposure metering modes, white balance, and other settings that modern cameras have. FIRST PUBLISHED MAY 2019.
This article describes the different types of camera lenses, their characteristics, and the factors to consider when purchasing them. The concept of aperture value or f/number is explained. UPDATED 4 APRIL 2019.
Do you have trouble with autofocus not locking onto your subject so you miss the decisive moment? If so, read this.
How to photograph the Galactic Centre.
Tips for photographing fireworks.
While we are self-isolating and staying at home one genre we can get into is Close-up photography. This covers subjects smaller than 25cm. Close-up includes macro photography, which strictly can only cover subjects smaller than your camera sensor. If you have a normal zoom lens, you should be able to photograph something smaller than 25cm, but you will need special equipment to get into macro photography.